Identify Your Company’s Uniqueness to Attract the Right Talent

In today’s competitive hiring landscape, it is important to identify your company’s uniqueness. It’s easy. Just follow these four simple steps:

Identify your company’s key areas of value: Use them in your marketing, recruiting presentation, emails and social media.
Develop competitive metrics: This is key information to communicate what makes your company different.
For example, a residential real estate brokerage might track the following:
The average productivity per agent (# and volume) and how it compares to the MLS
The average productivity per agent (# and volume) and how that compares to the company’s key competitors
How the average productivity per agent ranks in the local market
The average productivity of agents (# and volume) who are already with the brokerage and how much the company’s training has increased their production
Total number of agents compared to key competitors
Understand what your competitors offer and how they compare: Knowing your competition helps you be confident when talking to a potential candidate, as you will already have an understanding of your competition’s situation and how what you offer is different.
Tailor your conversations with candidates to highlight these differentiators: Use specific examples and compelling stories to help the candidate identify with what you offer. Start by determining if you can articulate each of your key areas of value and competitive metrics. If not, write down your thoughts, then practice speaking each point to someone who can give you honest feedback. Is your story compelling? Is it different from your competition?
Understanding your value proposition and what makes you different from your competitors will lead to natural and confident communication with potential talent you are looking to bring into your organization.
To discuss your hiring or job search needs, click here to schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation session with the T3 Talent team.