The Vulnerability of a Job Seeker

When working with companies throughout the hiring process, understanding and appreciating the mindset of the job seeker is a critical part of the process.
Companies that understand this mindset are looking at their candidates as much more than just a number. They approach them from a position of understanding how important the job seeker role is as a human being.
When someone is seeking their next opportunity, they are at one of their most vulnerable points in life.
Whether someone is currently employed or not, when they are ready to make a career change or are forced to make one, they are essentially starting over. This can be a mixed bag of emotions—exciting and scary at the same time.
This intersection provides the opportunity for the job seeker to reflect on many aspects of their lives.
Specifically, they usually think about the following:
Their current, and future, financial situation
Their hopes and dreams that might or might not have been fulfilled
How their career affects their spouse, kids, family, etc.
The legacy they want to leave
Their purpose for work and life
In upcoming blogs, we will continue to explore the mindset of the job seeker and what to do to make it easier to find the right opportunity, addressing topics such as how to look for a job, how to find a job quickly, how to pick a company, and how to pivot to a new career.
To discuss your hiring or job search needs, click here to schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation session with the T3 Talent team.