Why Questions Should Be a Way of Life, Not Just Part of the Interview Process

In a culture full of noise and electronics, the art of questioning and listening can easily get left behind. The good news is that since few people spend time asking questions and listening, it can be a way to instantly stand out.
In a world focused on “me,” a simple differentiator is being present, acknowledging the other person and considering what is best for them. In the hiring process, this approach allows companies to explore whether or not they are a good fit for the candidate and if the candidate is a good fit for a company.
The art of questioning is a requisite skill often overlooked by both companies and candidates. To help foster a more productive interview, T3 Talent developed a set of cards to help guide the questioning process.

In a culture full of noise and electronics, the art of questioning and listening can easily get left behind. The good news is that since few people spend time asking questions and listening, it can be a way to instantly stand out.
In a world focused on “me,” a simple differentiator is being present, acknowledging the other person and considering what is best for them. In the hiring process, this approach allows companies to explore whether or not they are a good fit for the candidate and if the candidate is a good fit for a company.
The art of questioning is a requisite skill often overlooked by both companies and candidates. To help foster a more productive interview, T3 Talent developed a set of cards to help guide the questioning process.
Each card has a category and a specific question, and they are organized by these categories:
1. Careers and Goals 2. Background 3. Past Experience 4. Personal Development
Questions truly are the key to opening doors and finding answers, and they are the ultimate connector to engage at a deeper level with someone. Asking questions is a way to peel away the layers and discover more about a person and what makes them tick.

Not only do questions help people connect and discover more about someone, they can provide an opportunity to become more likable. Studies show that using certain phrases and questions have the effect of making someone seem more charismatic. Specific questions enroll the other person and present the opportunity for them to discover for themselves what is best for them, providing a space for them to coach themselves. This can be helpful if you are interviewing, being interviewed or simply trying to help someone who is stuck.
Some of these questions include
1. “What do you think you should do?”
This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask as a leader, manager or even as a friend. Typically, we think we need to have all of the answers but the reality is that each individual has their own answers but often need prompting to access their internal guidance system. It provides the opportunity for the person who asks the question to be a sounding board and allow the other person to become their own problem-solver. The reason this helps someone become more likable is the person will remember how that person helped them even though they actually already had all of the answers.
2. “What facts would help you to make a decision? If you did know what to do, what would you do?”
Often when someone is struggling with indecision it is because they are trying to make a decision based on emotion. There are two ways to approach this situation with the right questions. The first is by asking them what facts would help them make a decision. Have them download all of the thoughts they are having and help them see that the thoughts are not facts. Then help them come up with the facts that will help them decide. This helps them separate fact from thoughts and feelings.
Another approach is to ask, “If you did know what to do, what would you do?” This question helps when someone is using phrases such as “I don’t know what to do.” Once again, the answers are internal, but someone might need to be prompted to access their internal wisdom. People make decisions for emotional reasons all the time.
Consider incorporating questions into your life and business on a daily basis. It can help you make better decisions and provide a way to become a better leader, manager and friend.
To help with this practice, T3 Talent is offering a FREE deck of interview cards to become more skilled at asking and answering questions in the interview process.
Click here to receive your FREE deck of T3 Talent Interview Cards.