What a T3 Sixty Valuation is:
T3 Sixty will determine your company's potential market value using tested methods and a deep understanding of the real estate industry. Whether you wish to sell the company and exit, or offer it to a partner for buyout or as a shared asset, a valuation is the smartest first step you can take.

Learn the potential market value of your business as you consider a sale, merger or partner buyout.

Nine Business Cases for Requesting a Valuation of Your Company
You want to retire, but do not currently have a succession plan.
You want to bring a partner into your business, but are not sure where to start.
You're the team leader, but you want a way to incentivize a "rainmaker" to stay with your firm.
You're a business owner with multiple children, but only one wants to take over the company - and you want to ensure your estate is fair to your other children.
It's time to begin estate planning, but you have no idea how much your company could or will eventually sell for.
You've had your eye on a competitor for years, and you want to approach them about a buyout.
You and your business partner are ready to split up, and you need an unbiased analysis of your business' value.
You have a solid business, but want to make it even more attractive to a future buyer.
You started down an acquisition path but the buyer backed out and you want to try again.

Company Valuation: How it works:

You and T3 Sixty will enter an NDA to ensure that all future discussions are purely confidential.

You'll provide operating financial statements and other key business documentation to T3 Sixty.

You'll share your aspirations -- including whether you'd like to exit, bring on a partner, or transfer your company to a relative or valued team member.

T3 Sixty consultants will leverage this data and their own proprietary data about similar-sized companies, as well as knowledge of companies looking to expand, to determine the likely market value of your business.

T3 Sixty consultants will leverage our proprietary data to determine the market value of your business.

Prepare for the Future of Your Organization:
Take the First Step
Get a keen understanding of what you're worth on the market.
Trust the Number
Work with an M&A advisor who has decades of experience in real estate, and in preparing companies for acquisition.
Buy Out Your Partner
Work from the same valuation as you determine the next steps for you and your founding partner.
Work to Boost Your Value
Follow insights from our M&A team to bolster your offering and make it more appealing to investors.

T3 Sixty Perspective
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