T3 Fusion Website Rankings

Blending Web Performance with Design

2024 Fusion Finalists

The 2024 T3 Fusion Website Rankings finalists represent brokerages spanning five zones across North America.





West Coast

What are the T3 Fusion Website Rankings?

What are the T3 Fusion Website Rankings?

The rankings recognize and celebrate excellence in website design, functionality, and performance across the residential real estate sector.

They are an excellent way to benchmark against other top-performing websites, earn recognition for marketing and technology teams, and support brokerage recruiting and retention efforts.

2025 submissions will open in the Fall.

The Assessment

The Assessment

Who are the judges?

T3 Sixty is collaborating with Benchmetrics, ListTrac, LiveBy, and MAXA Designs to provide a well-rounded and detailed analysis of each submission. These companies bring a wealth of expertise in design, performance metrics, and user experience.

Who should enter?

North American residential real estate brokerages with public websites can participate. The rankings are a unique opportunity to market their digital innovation and be recognized for contributing to new real estate digital marketing standards.

What’s the deadline? 

2025 Submissions will open in the Fall.

When will the winners be announced?

The finalists for each region will be announced in March 2025, followed by the North American rankings at the T3 Leadership Summit in May 2025.

The Criteria

The Criteria

Websites will be evaluated nationally and in five regions to ensure a thorough and contextual understanding of each area’s digital environment and trends: Canada, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, and West Coast:

- Google Analytics 4 (GA4) installed on the submitted website granting T3 Sixty analyst access

- Active SSL certificate on the submitted website

- Activation of T3 Benchmetrics

When your website is submitted, we will contact you to confirm each of the three criteria. When analyzing the data, T3 Sixty will analyze for 90 days period.

Review Process

Review Process

First-round entries are evaluated on performance, accessibility and technical SEO attributes of the site, including engagement rate. The top 20 percent from each region move on to the final round.

Finalist entries are ranked on:

  • Usability (55%) - Evaluates several universal usability and engagement analytics while confirming content building blocks, including neighborhood, property detail, and agent profile.

  • Design (30%) -  Assesses the website across six design criteria, including its general aesthetic appeal, readability, and ability to differentiate itself. 

  • Performance (15%) - Uses several website characteristics to assess technical performance across desktop and mobile environments.

Have a Question?

Are you seeking clarification or have questions about the T3 Fusion Website Rankings? Contact the T3 Technology Team below with any questions.

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